
Nobody has a monopoly on the truth. Therefore it can make sense to seek advice when the questions get difficult or complex.


Of course, first of all the own management team is called upon, when a tricky problem needs to be solved or a new project is started. However, sometimes even the best managers can't see the wood for the trees. Or it is just a question of having the right knowhow in-house.


With a systematic approach I can separate the essential from the dispensable, find suitable solutions, list the available options with their pros and cons, and advise you in the decision making process.


As an external consultant I can offer you many advantages:

  • A fresh view on your organization
  • Full availability for the project
  • Independence from internal structures and historical circumstances
  • Ability to address unpleasant issues or to investigate unpopular solutions.

In addition to that:

  • Flexible consulting agreement, no notice periods 
  • No burden on your headcount or salary budget
  • Transparent costs that can be charged to the project budget.

Call or email me today to discuss your project, with no obligation.


Rutger van Rossem interim consulting

Simrockstr. 64a

22589 Hamburg

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