When a member of the management team suddenly becomes unavailable, for example on account of illness, or commitment to a full-time project, most organizations are able to absorb the extra work for a short period of time. In the long run however, the workload will start taking its toll, results will suffer, the strain on management and employees will rise, and further disruptions will not be absorbed so easily.
The solution is to get an experienced manager to fill the role in question, as long as needed, until the original job holder returns, or a replacement is found. You do not have to commit yourself, the contract can be very flexible, without long notice periods.
I can be available to you as an Interim Manager on short notice. With my experience, possible roles are Plant Manager, Production Manager, Engineering Manager, or other Supply Chain functions. I can contribute know-how, leadership, organizing ability, a quick grasp of the task at hand, decisiveness and pragmatism. In short: produce safely, efficiently and effectively, move the projects forward, and reduce costs.
Find out what I can do for your organization. Call or email me to check my availability.